Stoborough Baptist church

Touching the heart of God

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We are a family congregation of all ages based in the Purbeck area of Dorset.

During the week, we gather in people's homes to get to know each other more, and to develop in our understanding of following Jesus as we are transformed by his love.

On first Sunday mornings, we gather together in Stoborough Village Hall to worship him and listen to God's Word, and to break bread or to eat a meal together.

On third Sunday mornings, we meet near the centre of Wareham for breakfast. @Not Just Sundaes

We are members of the Southern Counties Baptist Association (SCBA)—a group of around 170 churches in nine counties including Dorset and Hampshire—and of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, which serves over 2000 churches across the whole country.

Being part of the Baptist family means that we have a point of accountability with the wider church, and that we can work together in the extension of God’s Kingdom. A dedicated team of regional ministers is available to us if we are looking for advice and to support us in the ministry to which God has called us. The BUGB at its national office has a wide range of resources that we are able to use.

Through our support for the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS), we are enabled to play our part in fulfilling Jesus’ commission to go out into all the world preaching the gospel and baptising in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.